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Frank C. Alegre Trucking

Addresses and Directions

Review each of our facilities and get directions and maps.


Corporate Office
5100 West Highway 12 (Kettleman Lane)
Lodi, California 95242  [Map]

Mailing Address
PO Box 1508
Lodi, California 95241-1508

Red's 99 Tank Wash
502 South Eighth St
Fowler, CA 93625  [Map]

General Phone Numbers
800-769-2440  (Toll Free)
209-334-2112  (Local)
209-367-0572  (Fax)

General Email Address


INTERSTATE 5 - Exit from I-5 on to Highway 12 (you will see the Flag City Truck Stop at the corner of I-5 & Hwy. 12), and head east bound. Pass the AM/PM Mini Mart and get into the right turn lane, which exits into our yard. You will see the shop building. The office is located at the North end of the building.  (Terminal exit is approximately 1/4 mile from the I-5 exit)

HIGHWAY 99 - Exit from Hwy. 99 on to Kettleman Lane/Highway 12, and head west bound. Drive through the city of Lodi.  Continue heading west on Kettleman Lane towards I-5.  After crossing Lower Sacramento Road, Kettleman Lane turns into Highway 12.  After the railroad tracks, you will pass a fruit stand on the left side called "Phillip's Farms."  After the fruit stand, slow down and get into the left turn lane.  Exit on the left turn lane, this will lead you into our terminal yard. The office is located at the North end of the building.